Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What NOT to eat

Here I will attempt to list some tried-and-true things that trigger IBS symptoms but, as usual, this is not the law of the land. What works for me might not work for you. It all depends on your individual sensitivities so get out there and buy a little journal or setup a spreadsheet on your computer and honestly log every single morsel of food that you put in your mouth. If you are diligent, you will learn so much about yourself that will be helpful in the long run. Is it a pain? Yes. I've never been one to keep a diary or journal (or blog, even - oops...the cat's out of the bag!) but if you want to get better, you have to know what to avoid.

Think of it as a great experiment or a good excuse to live a healthier lifestyle, if that motivates you. Change it up if something isn't working for you and learn to be patient. This was the hardest thing for me and I still struggle with it. Wishing a flare-up away does not make it so. You need time and you need to relax so go into the journaling process knowing that it's a marathon and not a sprint. Pace yourself.

Foods to Avoid:
*Dairy (try eliminating all dairy products EXCEPT cultured yogurt for a week and see how you feel.)
*Alcohol (get over this one now. Alcohol and IBS do not a party make. If you want a beverage here or there on vacation, that's your call but realize that malt beverages especially will upset your system and wine is very acidic.)
*Refined Sugars
*Highly acidic foods (tomatoes, vinegars bother some people)
*Animal fats (this doesn't mean don't eat any meat or protein - this means lean options like chicken, fish and turkey are easier to digest than beef or pork.)
*Fried food (cease and desist!)
*Caffeine (again, not a trigger for everyone but it is a diuretic)
*Carbonated beverages (talk about bloat! If you're a soda drinker, say your goodbyes.)

Trial and error, friends, trial and error. If it's spicy and fatty and going to cause trouble, just say no. It's about using your brain and weighing the cause and effect. Have I screwed up before? Plenty. But you live and learn. Say you really, really want that sundae. Well then, go ahead and eat it but own it when you do. It's not going to be comfortable, is it? No. So learn to let go and make substitutions like soy frozen desserts or gluten-free brownies. Anything that stays calm in your system is a good thing!

Gentle Remedies:

*Peppermint oil/tea (in moderation! I've read several places that too much peppermint oil can be toxic so talk to your doctor/dietitian before starting a supplement.)
*Ginger tea
*Probiotic yogurt (especially the Greek style yogurts because they have more protein than any other kind. I particularly like Fage, Oikos, and Kefir dairy drink (it's essentially liquid yogurt, so yummy and tart and good for you.) -- this is where I plug Ac-tiv-i-aaaaaa. Jamie Lee is pretty awesome and you should definitely give it a try, since it's marketed to you (aka ladies.)
*If you've got exceptionally horrendous diarrhea and - like me - do not want to take antispasmodic medication, try boil-in-bag brown rice. Eat a little at a time but when you've boiled it on the stove, save the water and put it aside to cool. Drink this water and pop a Tums or a Pepcid and try to relax. It will bind you up in no time!

More on those mercurial antispasmodics later...that's a rant in itself. Anyone else have issues with the meds they've been prescribed?

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